



01/03/2014 12:29 AM -0500










2008 Installation of Officers

January 3, 2008


On January 3rd 2008 Dunn’s Rock Lodge #267 installed their officers for the ensuing year.


WB Kieth Mann (Master Elect) makes a few opening remarks before installation began. WB Mike Meadows (left) served as the Installing Master.


The Secretary MWB Bob Hinshaw reads the names of the newly elected and appointed officers of Dunn’s Rock Lodge.


WB Meadows begins the installation ceremony.


The Master Elect and the in coming officers.


WB Tony Fisher, Installing Chaplin presents the prayer.


WB Mann is invested with the jewel and apron of his office by the Installing Marshall WB Dana Hawkins. WB Meadows looks on.


WB Mann is conducted to the east.


WB Meadows presents the new Master with his gavel.


The out going Master WB Rick Harbin present the Charter of the Lodge to WB Kieth.


WB Mike presents the new Master with a copy of the Code.


Brother Aaron Whitmire received the jewel and apron of the Senior Warden’s office.


Brother Mac McKee receives the jewel of the Junior Warden’s office.


Brother Dick Harmon receives the jewel of the Treasurer’s office.


WB Keith Harbin receives the jewel and apron of the Secretary’s office.


Brother Jerry Mann receives the jewel of the Senior Deacon’s station.


Brother James Dodson receives the jewel of the Junior Deacon’s station.


WB Richard Heber received the jewel, apron and implement of the Tyler’s office.


The new Worshipful Master takes over the reins.


WB Rick Harbin receives his Past Master’s certificate and apron from our new Worshipful Master Kieth Mann.


The officers of Dunn’s Rock Lodge #267 AF&AM for the year 2008 are;

from left to right front row, Aaron Whitmire Senior Warden,

WB Kieth Mann Worshipful Master, Frank “Mac” McKee Junior Warden,

 James Dodson Junior Deacon, WB Richard Heber Tyler,

Back row; Dick Harmon Treasurer, Jerry Mann Senior Deacon and

WB Keith Harbin Secretary.


After the installation refreshments were provided by WB Kieth Mann and his wife Rhonda, WB James Self and his wife Barbara. Also by Mac's Lady friend Judy Coggins who also made the punch and helped serve. Worshipful Brother Kieth's wife Rhonda helped coordinate the refreshments. We enjoyed them immensely.


Some enjoyed them more than that.


Thanks to all who came and made this installation a success. Thanks and good luck to our new Master.