



01/03/2014 12:29 AM -0500











DDGM & DDGL Visit and 50 Year Award


The District Deputy Grand Master and the District Deputy Grand Lecturer of the 38th Masonic District of Masons in North Carolina made an official visit to Dunn’s Rock Lodge #267 tonight. Pictured here are from left to right; Worshipful Brother Austin Bradley DDGM, Worshipful Brother Kieth Mann P.M. Master, and Worshipful Brother David Cochran DDGL.


It was also our honor to present the Grand Lodge of Florida’s 50 Year Masonic Service Award to Worshipful Brother William Malcolm Shemela. Pictured here are from left to right; Worshipful Brother Austin Bradley DDGM, Worshipful Brother Kieth Mann P.M. Master, Worshipful Brother Shemela, and Worshipful Brother David Cochran DDGL.


 As is the custom in all regular and well governed lodges, a good time was had by all. Our special Brethren from Saluda and Horse Creek Lodges brought their “Special” short bus up for a visit. It was wonderful to have such a great crowd on this special night.