01/03/2014 12:29 AM -0500
The Last Stated Communication for 2008 The following photos
are of WB Kieth Mann’s last stated communication. There was a great turn out
and wonderful fellowship was enjoyed by all in attendance. It began by the
Brethren gathering and enjoying a meal together as seen in the following photos.
As has been the custom for the past few years, there was a “Priceless
Dedication” of a “custom framed” photo picturing the out going Master. WB
Kieth Mann was the recipient of the honor this year in a picture that appeared
on the front page of the North Carolina Mason. He is shown observing the Closing
Charge at this year’s historic Grand Lodge held in Winston Salem. The
presentation and the photo in the frame are pictured below.
The caption reads “WB Kieth Mann is front and center during the
Closing Charge at the historic Grand Lodge of 2008.”
Pictured above are WB Kieth Mann out going Master and WB Rick Harbin
Junior Past Master. WB Rick is smiling because he will be able to turn over his
JPM jewel to WB Kieth soon.
The Secretary Keith Harbin PM reads the minutes of the previous meetings
while the Master gets ready for his final Stated Communication. One of the highlights of the evening was WB Mann presenting tokens of
his appreciation to his officers and Brethren who helped him this year.
He is seen here presenting our Secretary WB Keith Harbin a Masonic pin.
Here he presents a pin to MWB Bob Hinshaw for his devotion to our Lodge
over the past many years he served as Secretary and for serving as Chairman of
the Masonic Education Committee this year.
Here he thanks WB Tim Waldrop, Chaplin, for his service this year.
Thanking Brother David Mahoney for serving as Senior Steward.
Here he is thanking Brother Mac McKee who served as Junior Warden.
Brother Thad Sanders receives the Master’s appreciation for serving as
Junior Steward.
Brother James Dodson, Junior Deacon receives the Master’s thanks.
WB Richard Heber served the Lodge as Tyler this year.
Here Brother Aaron Whitmire receives the Worshipful Master’s gratitude
for serving as Senior Warden this year.
A father and son. Here WB Kieth Mann thanks his son Brother Jerry Mann
for serving as Senior Deacon this year. A special moment in anyone’s book.
The Master is shown thanking Brother Dick Harmon for his hard work as
Treasurer this year.
WB Kieth is shown here thanking WB Dana Hawkins for his support.
WB Kieth thanks WB James Self for his support throughout the year. WB
James held down the fort in the East while WB Kieth made the presentations.
The minutes are read and approved for the final Stated Communication of
And part on the Square…….
I now declare Dunn’s Rock Lodge #267 closed in due form for 2008.