



01/03/2014 12:29 AM -0500











Helping the Salvation Army 2008


Dunn’s Rock Lodge along with the Pisgah Chapter of the Eastern Star and the Transylvania Shrine Club rang the bells for the Salvation Army on December 1st, 8th and 9th 2008. Below the hardy souls are pictured have great fun and fellowship. If you have not participated in this activity I encourage you and your organization to try it. It is wonderful way to support a worthy cause.

Pictured above is Sister Patty Banks and WB/ Noble Kieth Mann PM. These two had a great time on a blustery day. WB/Noble Keith Harbin (not pictured) had just been relieved from his early morning shift. WB Keith managed to keep from having his likeness captured during our adventure but he rang the bells on two of the three days.


Above from left to right are; WB/Noble Kieth Mann PM, Sister Nancy Grimshaw, WB/Noble Joe Burkel PM and Brother Dick Harmon. They held down the mid-day shift on the first Monday. It was a bit warmer then.


WB Kieth, Sister Nancy and Brother Dick are joined by the photographer WB Dana Hawkins PM in this photo.


Brother Mac McKee joined WB Joe and Brother Dick as it began to get a bit chilly in the later afternoon. Mac is the one on the right.


As the snow flurries began to fly Brother Dick (left) and Brother Mac were joined by Brother/Noble Virgil McClure. WB Kieth, WB Dana and Brother Virgil finished up a fun but chilly day of bell ringing.


The following Monday found WB/Noble James Self PM, WB Kieth and WB Dana (not pictured) out early to catch the early bird shoppers.


WB Joe and Brother Dick were back for another mid-day shift. These guys rang all three days!


Brother Virgil had so much fun the first day he brought his lovely wife Sister Reva McClure out on this trip to help him. As you can see it was a bit cool.


Brother/Noble Fred Tinsley is seen here with Sister Nancy during their chilly afternoon shift.


The early morning shift on Tuesday the 9th was relieved by Brother Jeff Hubbard and Brother/Noble Bob Wilkerson seen here ringing up a storm. Literally, it began to rain shortly after these two took over.

Brother/Noble Bob England and Brother/Noble Ken Noyd held down the final three hours on that rainy cold afternoon but the results were well worth the effort. All together for the three days we managed to raise $1,402.25 for the Salvation Army. This was quite a bit better than the previous year’s effort. Thank you all for your generous support.